Top 10 Most Popular Articles of October 2020

Top 10 Articles of October 2020

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Check out the top 10 most popular articles for October 2020! Which one did you enjoy the most?

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10. 7 Reasons Why You Should Let Go and Let God When it Comes to Your Love Life

7 Reasons Why You Should Let Go and Let God When it Comes to Your Love Life

Love can be a tricky thing. It’s not always straightforward like other things we strive for in life. In order to have that happen you must allow it to happen. Instead of trying to make someone like you, force a relationship or spending time trying to figure out if a person is right for you; why don’t you put your energy into something else?

Check out this quiz: Is God is Saying Yes, No or Wait?

9. 5 Reasons Why You Should be Nice to People You Don’t Like

5 Reasons Why You Should be Nice to People You Dont like

It’s not always easy to be nice to people you do like, much less people you don’t like. However, there are plenty of reasons why you should just be nice to them, no matter how you feel about them. Here are 5 reasons why you should be nice to people you don’t like.

8. 10 Reasons Why Getting Married Will Not Solve All Your Problems

10 Reasons Why Getting Married Will Not Solve All Your Problems

It’s easy to think that getting married will make life so much better when you’re single. Sure, there are benefits to being married but it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. Yes, marriage is a beautiful thing and can be one of the biggest blessings in life, but it isn’t going to solve all your problems. Marriage changes your life significantly and sometimes you will end up with more on your plate instead of less.

Wondering if married and kids are for you? Take this Quiz: Should You Get Married and Have Kids?

7. 7 Signs That You Are Too Nice

7 Signs That You're Too Nice

Being a nice person is a good quality to have. However, some people are a bit too nice and that can actually negativity affect you if you’re one of them. Everything needs to be in balance, including how nice you are to others and to yourself. It’s good to be careful and keep a balance because if you constantly give and others constantly take, you’ll end up running out of things to give and you won’t have anything left for yourself.

Not sure if you’re too nice or not? Take this quiz: Are You Too Nice? to find out.

6. 12 Things To Do When Your Anxiety Becomes Overwhelming

12 Things To Do When Your Anxiety Becomes Overwhelming

Anxiety can show up at the worst times. It’s that feeling you get that makes everything seem like it’s too much to handle. It makes you just want to give up and curl up in bed all day or maybe it causes you to panic in a stressful situation. You might miss out on opportunities because you were too overwhelmed with anxiety. Don’t let your anxiety get the better of you. If you don’t do anything about it, your anxiety can start to affect your day to day life. 

5. Why You’ll Dump the Nice Guy (and regret it later)

Why You'll Dump the Nice Guy (and regret it later)

Most women have been there… you meet a really nice guy who likes you but for some reason you’re just not that attracted to him. You date him for a while and try to make it work but you start getting bored with his predictable schedule and his clingy style. You want a relationship, but you pictured something different. Someone different. So you dump him. Months later you see him and he seems so happy… but it’s usually too late. Don’t beat yourself up. You deserve a nice guy but you just didn’t realize that some of the reasons you dumped him actually were reasons you should have stayed with him.

4. 7 Reasons Why Being Single Hurts So Much

7 Reasons Why Being Single Hurts So Much

For some, the single life is exactly where they want to be. For others, being single is not a choice. They try and try, yet nothing seems to work. It becomes painful. If you’ve been single for a long time and not by choice, it can be painful. Here are some reasons why it hurts so much (and a few things to make it better).

3. 10 Signs That You Are Spending Too Much Time Alone

10 Signs You're Spending Too Much Time Alone

Everyone needs alone time but sometimes too much of it isn’t a good thing. Whether you think you do or not, everyone needs community and someone to love them. It’s not good for us to live life alone. Having alone time and time for yourself is a very good thing, but too much of it can start to make you feel depressed and unconnected.

2. 12 Ways to Tell That it’s Time to Stop Crushing on Your Crush

12 Ways to Tell That it's Time to Stop Crushing on Your Crush

No matter what age you are or even relationship status you are in, everyone has crushes. Some are innocent and never acted upon. Others can consume our lives and leave us crushed.

Check out this quiz: Is Your Crush Worth Your Time?

1. 7 Ways to Tell if Your Crush Likes You Back

7 Ways To Tell if Your Crush Likes You

Everyone has a crush at some point in their life. Crushes can range from being fun and exciting to driving us crazy! If you’re lucky, your crush will be very clear in letting you know that they like you or they don’t (blessing in disguise). What tends to drive us crazy is when they send mixed signals. They give you a bunch of attention and make you feel like they like you one day and then the next they basically ignore you! It makes no sense and keeps you wondering how they feel about you.

Have a crush on a friend? Take the quiz Do They Like You as a Friend or More?

Still not sure? Take this quiz Do They Like You?

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