7 Reasons Why You Should Let Go and Let God When it Comes to Your Love Life

7 Reasons Why You Should Let Go and Let God When it Comes to Your Love Life

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Love can be a tricky thing. It’s not always straightforward like other things we strive for in life. Love involves two people who have to be committed to a common goal. Certain things have to line up just right and if they do then you can find yourself with an amazing partner who is perfect for you.

In order to have that happen you must allow it to happen. Instead of trying to make someone like you, force a relationship or spending time trying to figure out if a person is right for you; why don’t you put your energy into something else? Something more productive?

Here are 7 reasons why you should let go and let God, when it comes to your love life.

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1. You can’t control the outcome
As much as you may try, at the end of the day you can’t control whether or not you’ll end up with a particular person. There are so many variables, not to mention there are billions of people in the world and we ideally only marry one. You will meet tons of people who you will be attracted to over your life and only some will share a mutual attraction. And even if you are both attracted to one another, would you even be a good couple?

Yes, you can try to control the outcome. You can pick a person you like and decide to do whatever it takes to be with them. You can do things to make yourself more attractive to them, you can take a sudden interest in things they like, you can strategically go to places where they will be, however, some things are beyond our control.

Love and relationships require a mutual decision to be with one another. The reason why people picked the person they decided to be with can greatly vary. At the end of the day it’s usually a mixture of reasons such as attraction, personality, timing, chemistry and compatibility. That mixture will vary by person.

Certain things just need to line up for love to happen sometimes. Certain things just need to feel right. The timing has to work and that spark needs to be there. There are certain things that are just out of your control.

2. If you change for a partner you’ll have to maintain it to stay with them
If there is someone you want to be in a relationship with, sometimes you will end up making changes to your lifestyle in order to be more compatible with that partner. Some of these changes are actually beneficial to us and help us to live a better life, but others can go against who we truly are.

For example: If you don’t really like to get dressed up but you dress up every time you see your partner because you know they like it, even when you are just hanging out at home, they might start to think that you are like that all the time. Then once you get married, you might stop dressing up because you “got” them. This is when people start to say that you’ve “changed” or “let yourself go” when in reality, you just don’t like to get dressed up that often.

Relationships do require compromise that needs to come from both partners. If you really like someone and feel that they are right for you, you can always make a conscious decision to make positive changes and they should do the same for you. The issue arises when you do it to just “get them” and then you stop once you are committed. Doing this is pretty much manipulating a person to be with you. You are pretending to be someone you’re not so that they will like you.

This is a large reason why people get divorced. They felt things were so much better before they got married because their partner did certain things to attract them. Then once it got what they wanted, they stopped doing those things. If you change for a partner and want to stay with them, you’ll probably have to maintain that change.

It is good to allow a partner to help you grow, so don’t get it confused. If a partner is helping you to become healthier or improve your skills, that is awesome and those are good things that you should be improving on whether you have a partner or not. It’s when you change something about yourself that isn’t natural to you, when you make a change just to get a partner, not because you actually want to, that causes problems.

The best thing you can do is just be yourself. If they don’t like you then that’s okay, it’s way better to be with someone who you can be yourself with.

3. You’ll overthink and over analyze
When you fall in love or even just have a crush, sometimes you start to overthink and over analyze the things that you or your romantic interest did and said.

This can get into dangerous territory because you can get lost in your own mind thinking about possibilities and things you could have done better. You might feel a sense of regret or beat yourself up over a missed opportunity. You might start to wonder what everything they do and say means or how much they actually care about you. It can easily get negative fast as you allow yourself to spiral.

On the opposite side you might start to think about marriage and babies. You might start to wonder how long it’s going to take for them to commit to you, how much they like you and if they are the one. This can be equally negative because it can make you put too much pressure on a budding relationship.

The thing is, you can overthink all you want but you will never really know what the other person is thinking unless they tell you. You might see all the signs that they like you, but maybe they were just being friendly? You might feel like they are the one but they might just want a short term fling.

Instead of driving yourself crazy trying to figure things out, allow things to happen naturally. It can be smart to look for signs to see how the relationship should progress, but don’t overdo it. If someone wants to be with you they will be with you or they will at least make an effort in their own way.

4. They might like you but just not enough to act on it
Sometimes you will have a crush and you’ll just know that the attraction is mutual; you’re constantly making eye contact, you’re always smiling and making jokes around each other. Or maybe you’ve been in a relationship for a while and you just know that he’s gonna pop the question any day now….

It’s unfortunate but not everyone who likes you wants to be in a relationship with you. Sometimes a person will like you a lot but they don’t feel a relationship would work for various reasons. Or maybe they just aren’t in the right place for a relationship so it might have nothing to do with you.

So even if all the signs are there that they like you and are right for you, there still could be something that is holding them back.

Trust in God that He knows what and who is best for you. If this person isn’t willing to act on their feelings for you, they just might not be the right fit for you or the timing might just be off. You deserve to be with someone who will act on their feelings for you and choose to be with you day after day.

5. God can’t surprise you if you keep looking for the present
Think about when you were a little kid and you wanted to know what your Christmas presents were. Your parents probably did their best to hide them from you so that they could surprise you on Christmas morning. However, if you keep looking for them eventually you might find them and spoil the surprise.

Sure, it’s nice to know what you’re getting, but what if you’re wrong? What if the thing you thought was for you was actually for your sibling? You don’t 100% know it’s yours until it’s wrapped under the tree with your name on it.

Even if it is yours, you’ve still got to wait until you can have it. Plus, now you’ve taken the fun out of Christmas morning not only for yourself but for your parents as well. They wanted to see the surprised look on your face when you opened your gift for the first time.

God is our father and we are his children. Don’t rob God of seeing the delight on your face when get your present. He might want to surprise you.

Go with the flow and allow yourself to be surprised. Sure it might feel like you’re never gonna get what you wanted, but think of a surprise party. Sometimes people won’t wish you a happy birthday all day long but it’s because they have something big planned for you; you just have to wait a little bit longer to get it.

6. You will show God how much you trust Him
By letting go and letting God you are actually telling God that you trust Him and his plan. When we try to control the outcome or try to force something to happen we are trying to do things within our own strength instead of trusting.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

When you fully trust God, there is a peace that comes over you that allows you to be content in your current situation. You no longer have to worry about who you will be with or when it will happen, you know that when the time is right God will bring you the right person for you.

Even though it may take longer than you’d like, which many times it does, we should still hold onto the hope that we have. Remember, anything is possible with God and He loves to give his children good gifts in his timing.

7. If it’s meant to be it will be
It seems to be that when something is supposed to happen it just does. When two people really, really want to be with each other, they find a way. Or sometimes God has a way of putting two people together that they couldn’t have done on their own. Sometimes you are just in the right place at the right time and have the right opportunities to get to know each other. If you enhance one another’s lives you will be drawn to each other in a way that’s hard to explain. There are some people you are just comfortable around and feel like you can trust.

Allow things to happen in their divine timing. Maybe you are meant to be with a particular person, but one of you needs to learn or experience something first? Or maybe once you finally finish a project you’ve been putting off then you’ll have that much more freedom to pursue the love of your life?

As mentioned before, there are so many variables that go into romantic relationships. They aren’t as simple as getting a job where you apply and if you have the needed skills you typically get the job. It would seem to be the same in relationships but there are many more variables.

When you meet the person who is right for you, sometimes things just seem to line up and work out. You’ll probably tend to like similar things or have similar goals. You’ll be going in the same direction and will be on the same life path. You will both be in a place in your life where you are able to dedicate the needed time to a relationship. You will both be ready and comfortable enough within yourself in order to bring your best to the relationship. When you meet that person, nothing will be able to stop you from being together. You’ll notice how things just seem to work, so much so that it will feel like God put you two together. Now that’s the relationship worth waiting for.

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5 Replies to “7 Reasons Why You Should Let Go and Let God When it Comes to Your Love Life

  1. I resonate with this share. Yes, we should allow God to surprise us. God never makes mistakes, it becomes easier to commit and choose each other daily when He is involved in it because He will not only led you to the person but also lead you in building it. A threefold cord never to be broken!. 💃

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