10 Reasons Why Getting Married Will Not Solve All Your Problems

10 Reasons Why Getting Married Will Not Solve All Your Problems

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When you’re single, tt’s easy to think that getting married will make life so much better. Sure, there are benefits to being married but it’s not all rainbows and butterflies.

A healthy marriage takes a lot of work, day after day after day. You have to put in effort to make your partner feel loved, while also trying to keep yourself happy and healthy, all while maintaining a career, kids or other activities.

Yes, marriage is a beautiful thing and can be one of the biggest blessings in life, but it isn’t going to solve all your problems. Marriage changes your life significantly and sometimes you will end up with more on your plate instead of less.

Check out these 10 reasons why getting married will not solve all your problems.

Wondering if marriage and kids are for you? Take this Quiz: Should You Get Married and Have Kids?

1. You won’t always agree
Sometimes it will be wonderful to have someone to talk through your problems with and help you make decisions. Other times they will want something completely different than what you want and you will have to find a way to compromise. When it’s something small like what to eat for dinner, no biggie, but what happens when it comes to what city to live in or how many kids to have?

2. They will annoy you
You aren’t always going to want to be around your partner. They will have habits that you won’t like. They might not be as clean or healthy as you would like or thought they were. Sometimes you just won’t mesh and you won’t always understand them. And you will also do things that will annoy them too.

3. Adding more members to your family adds more responsibility 
When you get married, you’re not just marrying that person but also their whole family. If they have a crazy sister, well that’s your crazy sister now. If their mom is smothering, she’s likely to be that way with you too.

All of a sudden you have more people who you have to care about, even if you don’t really like them.

Not only that, but have a couple of kids and see how crazy life can get. So long to those “lonely” nights where you had the house to yourself and everything was peaceful and quiet. 

4. You will have to do things you don’t want to do
When you’re single, you get to choose it all. You decide what are you going to do with your day and what fun activities you want to do during your time off. If you want to spend your weekend relaxing at home on the couch in your pjs, no biggie when you’re single. But when you’re married, your partner might not want to do that. They might want to spend the weekend cleaning. Or they might have a family event they have to go to, which means you have to go too.

5. You’ll have to keep up with taking care of yourself
Now, this might not apply to everyone, some people truly don’t care about how their partner looks and smells, but most people do to some extent. That doesn’t mean you have to be a supermodel, but it does mean you should keep your hygiene up and stay healthy. A little bit of effort in your appearance and self care can go a long way to keep you feeling good about yourself and in turn keeping your partner attracted to you. We have to be honest, most people want a partner that they feel attracted to; don’t you?

6. Your income might increase but so will your expenses
It can be awesome to have two incomes coming in. You can spilt the bills, groceries and many other expenses. But, you’ll also you have to buy more groceries, you will probably have two car payments, if you travel you have to buy two plane tickets, etc. Sure, it can even out many times but sometimes it doesn’t, especially if one person brings in significantly more or less income than the other.

7. Your partner will not always meet your needs
There will be times when you are bored and just want to talk, but your partner might just want to relax and watch tv. There will be times when you are sad and just need someone to tell you it’s going to be okay, but they might not realize that’s what you need or they might be hurting too. Heck, you might just want a hug but your partner might be away on a business trip.

A good partner will do their best to meet as many needs of yours as they can, but at the end of the day, they will won’t be able to be or do everything you need; only God can do that.

8. You committed for better or for worse
And when things get worse you better stick to your commitment. What happens if your spouse gets sick? Or they lose their job? Sure, if those things happen to you it’s nice to have someone there to help and support you, but that means you have to do the same for them, and it won’t always be easy.

9. There is no guarantee you’ll stay together forever
Pretty much everyone goes into a marriage with the hope that it will last forever. Many marriages do but many fail as well.

It takes a lot of work, effort and sacrifice in order to really make a marriage last. And even if you give it your all that doesn’t really guarantee that they will stay around. People can change or you might change. At the end of the day, marriage is a choice, one that you have to make day after day.

10. The person you marry is just a person, they are not God
At the end of the day you are marrying a person who has flaws and imperfections. They will mess up and make mistakes. They will do things that you think are stupid or make no sense. They will not be able to fix everything or solve every problem you have.

But, if you truly love them and want your marriage to work, you will accept their flaws and work through them or learn to love them. You will wake up each day and put in the necessary work to make them feel loved and cherished and the right partner will do the same for you in return.

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