Wanna know the secret to make any man want you? Do you want to know how to make him fall madly in love with you?
Here’s the secret…..
Yup, if there is someone that you want to be with well, the truth is you can’t make them want you. You don’t control other people or how they feel.
If you decide to do certain things in order to make someone like you, that can borderline on manipulation. Plus, what happens if you do get the guy? Are you going to keep doing those things you did to attract him in order to keep him?
If you really want a real, true and unconditionally loving relationship, here are some tips that will actually make men want you and be attracted to you, for the right reasons.
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1. Be Yourself
One of the most attractive things anyone can do is just be who they are. We are all unique and created differently. We have different skills, talents and passions. Don’t be ashamed of who you are.
It’s actually really attractive when you see people who are living a life that is true to them. They just enjoy life more because they are living the life they are meant to live. They end up being more self assured and fulfilled.
At the end of the day all you can really do is be you and do that to the best of your ability. Pretending to be someone or something you’re not will always catch up with you. If you go into a relationship pretending to be someone you aren’t, then you will end up hurting both yourself and the other person.
Plus how awesome would it be to have someone in your life who loved you just for you? Someone who you can be completely yourself around, no matter how silly or dorky you are? They will just love you and enjoy being around you simply because of who you are.
2. Enjoy Life
If a man sees you having a great time and enjoying life, there is a good chance he might want to join you! Who doesn’t want to be around people who are always smiling, laughing and having a great time?
When you are out enjoying life you will not only be more attractive to those around you, but you will also be a happier person overall. When you make time for things you love it adds joy to your life. You will naturally end up smiling more and will probably end up meeting new people who have similar interest and enjoy the same things you do! And who knows, one of these new people you meet might end up being someone special!
Plus, if a man happens to see you doing something you enjoy and it just so happens to be something he enjoys too, you will have a common interest! This is a natural way for things to come up instead of having to fish to find things that you have in common.

3. Be the Person That You Would Want to Date
Be honest, would you date yourself?
Seriously. Take a moment and ask yourself if you would date you? Would you marry you?
We typically end up looking for people who compliment us or have traits that we struggle with and we feel that they could help us improve. The danger comes when we try to get a partner to “help” us. We of course should help our partners grow over time, but when you get in a relationship because you are struggling with something in the hopes that your partner will fill that need, that’s when problems arise.
It is not your partners responsibility to help you grow and mature, that is your job. They can’t make you eat healthy or stop smoking. Sure they can help you, but you are the one who has to do it. If you need money and they have it, great, but that will bring it’s own set of problems.
This question is meant to highlight areas in your life that you may want to pay more attention to and work on. Don’t put yourself down, bring yourself up!
If you would want to be married to someone who is a hard worker, are you? If you want to be married to someone who is loving and selfless, are you?
If you answer no to those questions, maybe take a moment to examine things you can do to become more of a person you would want to date or marry. Remember, when you marry someone two will become one so you want to make sure that you are bringing the qualities that you want to the relationship instead of adding problems and insecurities.
4. Take Care of Yourself
Both men and women tend to be attracted to healthy people, men especially. It’s a biological thing where you’ll be more likely to give him healthy and strong children if you are healthy and strong.
Not only does being healthy and strong relate to being able to have children but it also relates to your quality of life and lifestyle. If you take care of your body, you are more likely to take care of your home, your possessions and in turn your family. Where you invest your time shows what you care about.
Taking care of yourself is something you should do regardless of your martial status. Exercising and eating right is a key way to have a longer life with a higher quality. No one wants to spend all their time being sick and tired right? Doing it for health reasons is key but there are also benefits like just feeling better about yourself and liking the way you look.
Find little ways to take care of yourself each and everyday. Make it a priority to make sure you are healthy both, physically and mentally. By doing so not only will you improve the quality of your life but you will give off a energy of health and well being that is very attractive.

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5. Invest in Your Skills
A great way to prepare for your future, no matter what it is, is to work on yourself and invest in skills that you want to achieve. When you are single this is the perfect time to work on things you may not have the chance to work on after getting married and having kids. When you have others who you are responsible for, your wants don’t always come first like they can when you are single. Use this time wisely and invest in yourself.
What do you want to learn? Some skills you can learn and invest in are cooking, writing, art, learning a new language, emotional intelligence, social skills, home management, time management and much more.
Not all are hard skills like cooking, some are soft skills like emotional intelligence. Learning how to manage your emotions before you get into a relationship is really important in order for it to be a healthy relationship. You can’t depend on your partner to always be there to make you feel better.
No matter what skills you decide to learn, make sure you are doing them for you and not for anyone else. That’s how you know you will follow through because it will be something you really want. That’s one great thing about investing in skills while you are single, you know that you are doing it for you and because you want to, not because of someone else.
6. Allow Him to Come to You
We all have to admit, men and women are different. We have lots in common but our bodies and brains are just built different. That’s why people say that they don’t understand the opposite sex, because they don’t. We think differently.
If you want to know if a man wants you, let him come to you. You can of course be encouraging and inviting, but overall, let him show you that he wants you. Give him a chance to try to impress you. Allow him to think of a way to make you smile.
When we work hard for something we tend to appreciate it more. If he has to put in some effort in order to be in a relationship with you, he will most likely want that hard work to pay off, right? And don’t play hard to get, but don’t go chasing after him either. Find that middle ground where you are open to being in a relationship but also aren’t going to be with just anyone. Give him a chance to prove to you that he is worthy of your love, that he is the right man for you.
All men are different, but typically when a man or a woman likes someone they will find ways to be around them or talk to them. They will try to find reasons to text you, like your social media post, compliment you and find pretty much any excuse to talk to you. Sure there are some people who might ignore the people they like, but how is that going to get you anywhere? How is that going to build a healthy relationship?
If he wants you he will find ways to come to you. He will have a desire to get to know you better and spend time with you just like you’ll have the same desire for him.
So when he does come to you, be open to the effort he puts in. It might be small, but encourage him or acknowledge it and he will be more likely to do it again.
And if he doesn’t then don’t overthink it. You don’t know what another person is thinking unless they tell you. Don’t allow another person’s actions to determine how you feel about yourself. Remember, you want to be with someone who will pursue and choose you each day. Someone who wants to be with you and is willing to put in the effort to make your relationship work.
7. Be Confident
Know at the end of the day that you will be fine no matter what happens. If the guy you like doesn’t like you back, well that’s okay. There are plenty more guys. There are probably guys that like you right now. You will meet new people and you may even reconnect with an old one. Anything is possible.
When you are confident in who you are as a person, when you know that you will be okay if people like you or not, then suddenly you become much more attractive. It’s like you don’t need the approval of others, but you end up getting it anyway. You will have a certain walk to you, you will know your purpose and that will be your goal no matter who comes along.
Spend your time to discovering more about yourself and you’ll become more confident in who you are. Make changes that will allow you to feel better about yourself but overall, know that you are beautiful just the way you are. Know that you are uniquely gifted and have confidence that when you are with the right people, you won’t have to pretend to be anything, you will be able to be 100% yourself. And if someone doesn’t like you then that is their loss, not yours.

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8. Be Passionate About Life
One of the most attractive things you can do is live a life that you love. When you are truly enjoying your life and doing things you are passionate about people can tell. You just light up and people will enjoy being around you because of the energy you give off. People will wonder what your secret is; how you can be so happy and enjoying life so much.
Think for a moment: would you rather date a man who loved his job, had time to spend with you but only made decent money or a man who hated his job, worked long hours but made a lot of money?
Well if your reason for being in the relationship is money then you have your answer, but if your reason is because you actually care for this person, you’d probably want to see him happy and have time to spend with them.
Spend time doing things that you love and that make you feel alive. Do the things that make you want to get up in the morning and that get you excited. Work hard to achieve the things you want and do it because you enjoy it. Even if you aren’t getting paid, still make time for the things you love.
Men know that if you are passionate about your life there is a good chance you will be passionate about them and your life with them. They will see the effort you put into your own life and will have a glimpse of how awesome you are and how great you would be as a partner.
9. Don’t Make Them the Center of Your Life
Many women subconsciously do this. We want a relationship so much or we want it to work out so badly that we tend to focus on it way more than we need to. We will end up making choices that we might not have previously made because we are now focusing on the other person more than we should.
This is course will happen naturally over time, especially after marriage. When you are just dating you are not committed you don’t have to merge your life together just yet. As time goes on you will find that some things are just easier to do together and sometimes you need to get one another’s opinions on things. Depending on where you are in your relationship will determine what you need.
If you are newly dating you will really only need each other’s input when it comes to where to go for a date. When you are married you will have to get input on big life decision like where to move or what career steps to take. While you are still single, make sure that you are not putting a man at the center of your life. Even when you’re married he shouldn’t be at the center, that’s where God belongs.
10. Stop Trying to Make Him Want You
If you have been doing certain things that you think will make a man want you, well it’s time to stop. You don’t always know what each individual man wants or likes because each one is different. Just like you and your friends have different taste in men, same goes for them. There is someone out there for everyone. Someone is attracted to you just like there is someone you are probably attracted to.
When you start to act a certain way, when you are trying to do things to make someone like you, many times they can tell and it will come off as desperate and maybe even a little weird and unnatural.
If you don’t wear high heels but start to do it for a guy, you might end up falling and that would be worst than just wearing sneakers. It was unnatural for you to wear the heels and it ended up backfiring because you were actually less attractive because you couldn’t walk in them. People can tell when you are trying to hard.
At the end of the day we sometimes just have to let go and let God. Sometimes, we just need to allow love to find us instead of worrying so much about it and spending so much time looking for it. There are things that are more important than your love life.