7 Ways to Be More Confident

7 Ways to Be More Confident

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Having confidence in yourself is a great way to live your life to it’s fullest potential. When you have confidence in who you are you aren’t afraid of taking reasonable risk, you aren’t afraid of rejection and there’s just something about you that let’s others know that you are secure in who you are.

Confidence is attractive and sexy. It can help you get a better job, better spouse or even better opportunities. The best part of being confident is the way it will make you feel. You’ll feel almost unstoppable at times, you’ll know that you can do anything you set your mind to and that you are worthy and deserving of goodness in your life.

Check out these 7 ways that you can be a little more confident in your day to day life.

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1. Know who you are
The first step to being more confident is to know who you are. What about you makes you special and unique? What skills and talents do you have? What do you enjoy doing? What is your identity?

Once you are solid in who you are you’ll be more likely to have confidence in yourself. Remember too, that we all change and evolve over time and so do certain things about us like some of our likes and hobbies, but you have core values and personality traits that will stay pretty consistent throughout your life. Figure those out and you know yourself better. Also feel free to check out this Quiz: How Well Do You Know Yourself to see how fair along in your journey of self discovery you are.

2. Accept who you are
Once you have figured out who you are the next step is to accept it. You don’t have to be completely happy with your life; you may have wanted certain things that you never got or maybe you weren’t given a fair start to life, but there are still plenty reasons to smile. There are plenty of reasons why we can be accepting of ourselves. At the end of the day, you are stuck with you so you might as well like yourself.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.” – Serenity Prayer

3. Have a secure foundation
Having a secure foundation gives you something to fall back on if you do go through a hard time or if things don’t go your way. For example; if you have great parents you know that if you mess up they will still love you no matter what. That is a secure foundation that allows you more confidence because you are free to live your life and if you make mistakes or mess up they will still be there for you.

Where does your secure foundation come from? Who or what in your life is a never changing source of love that you can always count on? Some people will say their relationship, others will say God. God is a great secure foundation as He is never changing and will always love you, just like the loving parents in the example. Once you have a secure foundation you’ll have confidence that no matter what happens you’ll still be okay.

4. Dress to impress
It’s simple but true, when you look your best you feel your best. Take a few extra minutes to get ready the next time you go out. When your hair and makeup are on point or your clothes fit you perfectly, you can’t help but feel a little extra burst of confidence. It’s like you know you look good. Sometimes people even tell you that you look good.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy confidence boost, pull out your best outfit or buy yourself a new one. Add your own unique style to it. Try a new hairstyle or makeup. When you look in the mirror be happy with what you see. That confidence will show.

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5. Don’t let what other people think bother you
You’re never going to be able to please everyone so go ahead and stop trying. There will be people who just love you and some who just don’t. If there is someone who doesn’t like you or says mean things to you, don’t let it bother you. Obviously you are allowed to have feelings and the situation may bother you and you can address the situation in an appropriate way.

However, sometimes there isn’t much you can do about it or you may go home and still be thinking about it. Don’t let yourself do that. Deal with it and move on. It hurts your confidence when you start thinking about negative things people say to you, especially if you start to believe the things they say.

6. Remember the good people say about you
Once in my Bible study we did an activity on the spiritual gift of encouragement. Basically we each had a sheet of paper with our names on it and we passed the paper around and everyone wrote something encouraging on it. I did the same thing at work once too during a team building activity, everyone wrote nice things and encouragements on a sheet of paper and we got to keep them at the end.

I still have the paper from my Bible study and on occasion I’ll see it and read it again remember all the kind and encouraging things my friends said about me. I get to see how other people see me which can be a lot more positive than I see myself sometimes.

Surround yourself with good people who will encourage you. People who will speak life into you and who want to see you succeed. And when you are feeling discouraged, remember the good things they said about you and how much they care for you.


7. Live your best life
When you are living the life you are meant to live you tend to be happier and more confident. This means living your life to it’s fullest potential in all areas of your life. In your best life you are healthy, have abundance and are surrounded by love. You will be doing things that make you feel like you have purpose and that are fulfilling.

When you live your life like this it makes such a difference and you are more likely to have much more confidence than you would if you were living a life you couldn’t stand. When you are living the life you are meant to live you laugh more freely, love more people and in turn have more confidence.

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