7 Things That Happen When You’re Living the Life You’re Meant to Live

7 Things That Happen When You're Living the Life You're Meant to Live

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Growing up, people may have placed expectations on your life. They most likely had good intentions, but living the life others expect us to can leave us feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

When we live the life we are supposed to live, the life we were meant to live everything changes. You feel better, you’re hopeful and things just have a way of falling together when you are living the life you’re meant to.

Of course only you and God know if you are on the right path for you, but check out these 7 things that will happen when you are living the life you are meant to be living.

1. You feel at peace
When you are living the life you were meant to suddenly things just feel right. Even if everything around you is going crazy, on the inside you feel calm. You feel like everything is okay or that it’s going to be okay. When you are living the life you are meant to you will ultimately feel this inner peace.

Sure things will still happen and you’ll have still have lots of emotions, but deep down you’ll know that no matter what happens at the end of the day everything will be okay.

2. You are excited about the future
If you wake up feeling excited about what the day has in store for you then chances are you are on the right path. Sure, you’ll still have days where you don’t want to get out of bed, days where you’re tired or sick. Those are normal. However, if most days you are excited to start day and to see what the day has in store, then that is a good sign you are doing what you are meant to be doing.

3. You smile a lot without trying
Lots of people smile a lot but it’s not always genuine. Many people go in to work and smile at one another and give a friendly greeting, but they do it to be polite. Or people might smile to make things less awkward or to stop from showing other emotions. If you catch yourself naturally smiling a lot, that’s a good sign.

If you are outside enjoying the smell of the rain and it makes you smile, awesome. If you are at the beach and the site of the ocean makes you smile, great! If you are around people who make you smile just because they are near you, well that’s one of the best feelings. When you are living the life you are meant to live, you can’t help but smile.

4. You have lots of opportunities
When you are on the path you’re supposed to be on you’ll have an abundance of opportunities to choose from. You’ll possibly have job opportunities, romantic potentials and/or the opportunity to do things that you’ve always wanted to do.

Make sure you take advantage of the opportunities you have. Some times you’ll get multiple chances to make something happen but other times they are a limited time offer. Be wise in figuring out the time frame for the opportunity. If it’s something you feel is right for you, do your best to act on it and make the most of it.

5. People compliment you on your talents and skills
People will give compliments for many different reasons and about many different things. You might get complimented on your outfit or your hair. Or maybe someone tells you that you have a really cool phone.

Those compliments are great, but when people compliment you on your talents and skills those are typically pretty genuine. Anyone can look at your shoes and say, cool shoes, but in order for someone to compliment you on your skills they need to know about your skill and hopefully they were able to benefit from it.

If people start to say you’re a good singer, writer, public speaker, teacher, sales person or something like that, listen to them. If multiple people say it, believe them. If people are noticing you’re skills it means you are in a place where you are able to use your skills and you are definitely meant to do that.

6. You’ll start to notice things you never noticed before
When you are living the life you’re meant to you’ll start to notice things that you never noticed before. It could be little things like the beauty of a butterfly or how much you actually enjoy being around your baby nephew. You’ll notice things you never really thought about before like how you feel around certain people and in certain situations.

Trust yourself when you have these feelings and notice certain things. The world speaks to us in mysterious ways so a simple butterfly could actually mean so much more. Notice how certain people act or how you feel when you go to a certain person’s house. Sometimes you’ll feel peace and joy from certain situations while other times you’ll feel uneasy, nervous or scared.

Pay a little more attention so you can notice these things that you never really took the time to notice before.

7. You’ll feel like you’re being guided
Another big thing is that you might start to notice strange things lining up and working out. You’ll hear something on the radio, then you’ll get something in the mail about it and then a friend will bring it up. Some people call it coincidence, but when you are on the right path in life, when you are living the life you should be, things just have a way of lining up and you’ll receive confirmation in multiple ways. Allow these signs to guide you and reaffirm your choices.

You might also just get feelings that will show you what to do. You need to be intuitive and trust yourself but many times you’ll just know what you should be doing. You’ll feel at peace and you’ll also possibly feel excited. Things will just work out and you’ll truly be able to say that you are living the life you were meant to live.

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