7 Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself as You Get Older

7 Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself as You Get Older

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As we age our bodies change and it’s hard to accept that we can’t do all the things we used to. No more eating junk food all day long and no more drinking all night long. Spending time in the comfort of our homes relaxing starts to sound more appealing. Naps suddenly sound amazing.

A key to our health as we get older is listening to our bodies. They know what we need and we need to get better at listening. They are trying to tell us things to make sure we stay healthy.

Here are 7 ways to make sure you are taking better care of yourself as you get older.

1. Eat Healthy
Everyone says this but as you get older it becomes more and more important. You’re body can only handle so much junk food. If you aren’t getting the proper nutrients you are basically just eating empty calories that will eventually turn into extra weight. Even if you have a fast metabolism, typically it starts to slow down as we age.

The food you eat has a big impact on your total health. If you are lacking in a certain nutrient it can make you feel tired, sad, or angry. If you don’t eat healthy food it can weigh your body down and make you feel sluggish.

Also certain diseases can be caused by a lack on certain nutrients. Taking a daily vitamin can be a good thing but it’s even better if you are fueling your body with food that helps repair it and keep it full of the nutrients it needs.

2. Go to the doctor
You should definitely have your annual check up, at the very least. Many insurance plans will allow you to do this for free too. Make sure you tell your doctor if something is bothering you or feeling off, even if you don’t think it’s a big deal. Sometimes it’s best to get things checked out before it does become a big deal.

Also, if something has been hurting for a while or just doesn’t feel right, make an appointment and go. If you’re doctor recommends going to a specialist, go. Don’t worry so much about the cost. Your health is more important. Sure, many times they tell you it’s nothing, but it’s better to get it checked out and be sure than to live with an issue that might turn into something bigger.

3. Rest
Many of us have a lifestyle that is go, go, go. We work, have children, family obligations, chores, community events and still try to have a little bit of fun in between. It might feel like you are wasting valuable time when you spend a whole day doing nothing, but actually it can be quite healthy.

Sleep in, watch movies and order some food. Spend all day in your pajamas. Take a bubble bath. Resting is important because it allows our bodies to refuel and recharge. If we just keep going and going, we get burnt out and eventually aren’t as productive as we would be if we took some time and let our bodies get back to 100%.

And it’s not only your body that needs rest, but also your mind. Make sure to take time to clear your mind and not worry about all the things you have to do. Stress has such an impact on our lives so it’s important to make sure we are taking steps to make sure our minds are rested as well.

4. Cut out unnecessary stress
Stress is a part of life and some of it can be healthy. Stress can help us grow or help us feel accomplished if we achieve a goal or overcome a challenge.

However, too much of the wrong kind of stress will really start to take a toll on your body and mind. If you are constantly worrying about things beyond your control, that is not healthy. If you have people in your life who are constantly complaining or always trying to get you to bail them out of situations they got themselves into, that takes a toll as well. If your job keeps you in a constant state of stress and you feel like no matter what you do it’s never good enough, then that can be unhealthy as well.

There are two ways to deal with unhealthy stress, either find healthy ways to deal with it or cut it out. There are some situations you can’t cut out like your job or people in your life who you love. You can however limit that amount of stress you allow or find ways to take care of yourself to help you relax.

Ideally though you’ll be able to cut out some of these unnecessary stresses. You might be able see less of certain people, you may be able to change your job, or maybe just changing the way you think about things will make a big difference.

5. Exercise and stretch regularly
Yeah, you’ve heard this time and time again, but it really is important to get regular exercise and to make sure you stretch. Your body gets tight after sitting in the same spot for too long. Not only that, but as you age your body changes and you need to make sure you are keeping your muscles strong. Also exercise will help keep your weight at a healthy range.

Stretching will help with those random aches and pains you might get. Just a few minutes a day can make a big difference. Sometimes it feels like something is wrong with our body, but all we really need is some strengthening and stretching.

6. Build long lasting connections and relationships with a community of people
Many people don’t realize how important it really is to have people in their lives who love and support them. You need more than just a couple of people as well, you need community. You need people who are going to understand when you feel sad and people who are going to celebrate when something good happens. If you are having an issue with your spouse, you need someone who you can talk to and get advice from. If you are having issues with your kids, you need someone who’s been there before.

Many people try to live life on their own or with just a select few people, but then they usually end up feeling misunderstood or like they aren’t supported. When you have people you can turn to based on what you are going through, it makes a big difference.

Some people are blessed with a large family who offer this type of support. Some people have a great workplace that feels like family. Others have church groups who they are able to be themselves with. Find a place that fits for you and stick with it. It takes time to build real, lasting relationships with people so don’t feel discouraged if it doesn’t happen right away. Keep going until you find people who you can be yourself with.

7. Enjoy the little things in life
Life is crazy. Things are constantly changing. Some seasons of our life are really amazing while others just suck. We can’t stop things from changing but we can remember to enjoy our lives now and appreciate all that we have while we have it.

Each day there are a thousand things to be grateful for. Aside from being grateful, just taking time to enjoy the little things that many people overlook also adds to joy in life. Pay attention to a bird singing, a smile from a baby, conversation between friends, a smooth drive to work, your favorite song coming on the radio or an opportunity to have time for yourself.

The little things end up making up this amazing thing we call life. Enjoy them while you can because things will change and then you’ll wish you paid more attention to the things that really mattered.

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