7 Things People Don’t Tell You About Living Your Dream Life

7 Things People Don't Tell You About Living Your Dream Life

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We’ve all pictured our perfect life. You know, the life where you have all the money in the world, the best job, a huge house on the beach and a sexy spouse. Ah, the life of luxury, so we think. But if you actually achieve this dream of yours, you’ll realize that it’s not always as luxurious and carefree as you pictured.

Sometimes dream life isn’t quite what you thought it was going to be. Here are 7 things people don’t tell you about living your dream life.

1. That job you wanted is actually a lot of work and responsibility
It seemed like it would be so awesome to have the job you’ve always dreamed of. You worked your butt off to get through school, become the boss or to be your own boss. All the money, freedom and power seemed like it would make your life so much better.

However, once you get that job, you’ll realize that it’s actually a lot of work. Successful business owners tend to work sometimes double the hours of an average employee. Doctors literally have someone’s life in their hands. The higher up you get in your company, the more decisions you have to make that will affect people, and they may not like you for it. Many dream jobs actually take a lot of time, skill, stress and require doing things you don’t like.

2. Things don’t usually look the way you thought they would
Have you ever thought to yourself that you got what you wanted but just not in the way you expected it? This happens a lot. Sometimes you might even have received exactly what you wanted but you just didn’t realize it because it looked different than what you pictured.

Sometimes that spouse of your dreams actually looks a lot different than what you pictured while you were dreaming. Maybe you actually do have your dream job? Or did you ask for more freedom? Maybe getting laid off was a way for you to be able to have more time to work on your writing?

Stop and take a moment to think about all the things you’ve asked for and prayed for. There’s a good chance one of those things is staring right at you and you haven’t even realized it yet.

3. Marriage doesn’t solve your problems
When you’re single you can’t wait for the day you meet that special person who will make your life so much better. They will stir your soul and you’ll just feel that instant and powerful connection with them that will last a lifetime. Or so you think.

Sure at first it might feel this way, but, eventually you will fight. You won’t always agree. After time some of their habits will become really annoying or they might change something you once loved about them.

Your spouse doesn’t come with a magic bank account that will solve all your money troubles. They don’t have an endless amount of love to give when you are having a bad day. They aren’t always going to be around to listen to you when you need to talk. They are just a human just like you.

4. Your dream probably involves people you didn’t expect
When you said you wanted a big family you were thinking about having 4 kids, not moving your mother in law in and letting your brother stay for a “visit”.

If at some point you wished you had more so you could help people, well God puts certain people in your life that you don’t really expect or even always want. They might just be there so you can learn something from them or maybe you have a skill you need. Sometimes the most unlikely people actually have what you really need.

5. Being on vacation all the time is actually boring
When you have to work 5 days a week nothing seems better than to have an unlimited vacation. One where you can sit on the beach all day drinking Mai Tais and eating delicious food. It sounds like a great life, but if you did that 5 days a week you’d quickly become bored.

Even traveling the world will lose it’s charm after some time. Either you’ll find a place you love and settle there or you’ll eventually get tired of living out of a suitcase. This might take years of course, there is so much to explore in the world, but there is a satisfaction that comes from a job well done. Eventually you’ll have a desire for more than pleasure.

Pleasure is a great thing but it is actually empty and unfulfilling and if done in excess soon becomes boring.

6. Doing what you want all the time can be harmful
As a human we have free will so we get to choose each day what we want to do. Many of us feel we have no choice in things like going to work or taking care of the kids, but truly you do. You can stay home from work, you don’t have to feed the kids. Doing things like this will results in consequences, like losing your job or kids, but you don’t have to do it.

If we had unlimited resources, an abundance of time and no responsibilities, most of us would make some bad choices. We’d drink too much, eat too much, sleep too much, smoke too much, etc. We’d end up unhealthy and probably even unhappy. If you just do what you desire all the time then why not have a second dessert? What’s one more drink? Who needs sleep? The truth is, our bodies can only take so much.

This is why it’s actually good for us to do things we don’t really want to, like eating healthy. We don’t really want to eat the carrot when there are cookies there too, but we know that if we eat too many cookies we will have consequences. So by sticking to a diet that we don’t want to we actually end up getting what we really want long term.

7. Living the dream requires constant effort
When you picture your best life you always look amazing. You’re in great shape, have great clothes, your hair is perfect and your teeth are always white. You have a beautiful home, tons of money in the bank, the kids are well behaved and you even have time for your hobbies.

In real life, sure all these things are achievable, but they sure do require work. If you want to look your best then it takes a lot of time and effort. You have to eat healthy, go to the gym, take good care of your hair, get your nails done, etc. If you want well behaved kids you have to spend time teaching them how to behave and correct them when they misbehave. If you want to constantly have money in the bank they you either need to stop spending so much or start making more money.

The life of your dreams is definitely possible, but people tend to leave out how much work and constant effort it actually requires to keep it up.

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