7 Ways to Prepare Yourself for a Loving Relationship

7 Ways to Prepare for a Loving Relationship

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Preparing for a relationship is just as important as preparing for anything else in your life. You have to be ready for it if it’s going to actually work out.

If you go into a job interview completely unprepared, wearing ripped jeans and a t shirt, stumbling through your answers to the questions and no idea what type of job your interviewing for, chances are you won’t get the job. But, if you prepare yourself and do things to be ready for the interview, your chances of getting it go way up. For more tips check out 7 Ways to Prepare for Job Interview.

The same goes for a relationship, you have to ready for it. You have to prepare yourself for it so that when the time comes and the opportunity to meet your dream partner arises, you will feel more confident in what to do and the chances of things working out will be a lot higher. If you meet your dream guy or girl but you’re not truly ready for them you may end up doing things that cause your relationship not to work out.

Every relationship is different and each person is different. Depending on what a relationship looks like to you and what expectations you have. the ways of preparing yourself will be most likely be different for everyone, but here are 7 ways that I am preparing myself for a loving relationship.

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1. Be Healthy
One of the best things to do to prepare yourself for a healthy relationship is for you to be healthy in both body and mind. Learn how to eat right, find exercises you enjoy and figure out good ways to deal with stress.

Doing so will not only help you to make smart choices, live longer and feel good about yourself when you are in a relationship, but it will also help you to make a healthy choice when it comes to a partner. If you are healthy and doing things that are good and beneficial for you, then being with a partner who is no good will not be an option for you and you will end up finding a better and loving relationship.


2. Be financially stable
Both men and women need to have their money right before getting into a marriage. Your debt becomes their debt and vice versa. You don’t want to get into a relationship with someone who owes everyone money because now you owe everyone money too. And no one wants to pay your debt no matter how nice of a dream it is, unless of course you’re looking for a sugar daddy/mama and are willing to do the things involved in keeping one.

Being financially stable also allows you to date and get to know each other with ease. You can go to nice places, travel and buy each other gifts. If you don’t have money then sometimes you might have to cancel or postpone a date which can lead to conflict in relationships. It’s also said one of the leading causes of divorce is money.

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3. Be more loving
If you want to be a married and have children then you will have to learn how to give tons of love without expecting anything back in return. You’re going to have to run errands, give rides, cook dinner, clean house, go to work, pay bills, go shopping, change diapers and so much more and chances are you won’t always get the appreciation you feel you deserve.

Even if you don’t want kids your spouse is probably going to do things that get on your nerves and you don’t agree with. You might not always love them. They might do things that make no sense and anger you, but it’s up to you how you handle this.

It’s good to learn to be more loving without expectations and to be more loving to yourself as well. Even being more loving to strangers or friends is good practice for your future relationship. Start with yourself though. What can you do today to love yourself? Okay, now what can you do to love someone else? Repeat.


4. Cook more
If one of the things you want to bring to the table in a relationship is food, then you should practice your skills now. Cooking for your loved ones is a good way to show your love and keep everyone healthy and happy. Sharing a meal is a good way to bond and everyone has to eat, right?

Depending on if you want a family or not, cooking for your family and your spouse can be an important part of your relationship. Are you going to be the one doing most of the cooking or them? Is it going to be an equal split?

Either way, you should learn how to make, yummy, healthy meals for you and your family. By cooking more now you’ll learn new techniques and get better at making tasty dishes. Plus, you’ll be able to invite you lover over for a romantic dinner.

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5. Fill yourself up
Another one of the most important things to do before getting into a relationship is to make sure you are completely filled up and feel like you are already complete without a relationship. If you go into a relationship hoping that a person will fill a void in your life then you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

If you feel lonely and get into a relationship so that you won’t be alone, well loneliness and being alone are two different things. Being lonely is a feeling of sadness and disconnection from others. Being alone is a physical state. You can have the house to yourself and be alone, but not feel lonely. You can be married and always have your spouse around, but feel lonely because they don’t understand you or spend quality time with you.

Find ways to fill yourself up so that you’re so full your overflowing with love, gratitude, joy, kindness, peace and everything else you want to share. Learn how to give all those things to yourself first so that you are filled up and have no problem sharing with others. In fact, give yourself so much that you have so much extra left over that you want to share it with others. When you have too much, it’s easy to share. It’s when you don’t have enough that you can’t give to others, you can’t give what you don’t have. If you don’t have money in the bank, you can’t share it. If you don’t seek out things to make you smile how can you show them to others? If you don’t have more than enough love for yourself, how can you give love to others without taking some from away yourself?


“Make yourself a priority. Fill yourself up so that you can give more to others.”
— Oprah Winfrey


6. Focus on your looks and hygiene
Everyone wants a partner who looks good. Yeah, it might sound stereotypical, but it’s true. Everyone wants someone who they can show off on social media and secretly make all their friends and random people jealous.

It’s true that looks are important, although it’s also true that they aren’t everything. You don’t have to be gorgeous, but you should have your own style and take some time to get ready each day.  Making a little extra effort when you get ready can go a long way. Spend time daily taking care of your body and weekly do something special like a face mask, pedicure, haircut or something to keep you looking good.

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Make the effort to look good when you go out. You don’t have to dress up all the time, yoga pants or basketball shorts can be fine for the grocery store, but not always for nights when you’re going out with your friends or a date. Take the time to shower and dress up a little bit. Even a nice shirt and the right jeans can make you look amazing.


7. Do things you love

Many people have told stories about how doing things they loved ended up leading them to a person they loved. It makes sense, you are happy and in your element so if you meet someone who also enjoys the same things you already have something to connect with. And even if you don’t end up meeting someone through your interest, then you’ve at least gotten to spend a good portion of your life enjoying it and doing something you wanted to do.

If you love writing, then write. If you love cooking, then cook. If you love the beach, then go as often as you can. Seek out things you love and do them as often as you can. Make yourself smile and treat yourself how you want and deserve to be treated, just how you’d want a loving partner to treat you.

There are many types of relationships that you will experience throughout your life and there is no telling what the future will hold. The reality is, you may or may not get married. You may or may not have a family. And that’s okay. Hopefully you will get what you want, but if you don’t that’s okay. You might actually end up having a life that you love even more, that’s why it’s important to do things you love now.