7 Ways to Prepare for a Job Interview

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Going to a job interview is your chance to show your possible new boss how you can be of value to his or her team and what skills you possess. This is your chance to shine and impress them. Some interviews can be as short as ten minutes and if you don’t answer the questions in a way that show your skills you might not get a chance to later. Here are 7 ways to prepare for a job interview and hopefully get the job.

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1. Learn about the company you are applying for
When you go into the interview it’s good to know some basic knowledge about the company you want to work for. You should at least know the basics like what they do and what their core values are . You’ll look even better if you know extra information like how long they have been around or recent events surrounding the company.

To do research usually the best way is to do a simple google search. If they have a website go there. If they don’t, read reviews about the company from customers and employees.

Another way is to go to the company before hand and check it out. If it’s a store go shop there and pretend to be a customer. Look around and see if anything stands out. Ask the employees how they like working there. If you can’t go call and ask a few basic questions. Do your research and your future employer will be impressed.


2. Review and print your resume
Make sure you read and print your resume before going. Yes, the employer received your resume with your application, but that doesn’t mean the person interviewing you has seen it. Many companies give interviewers a list questions to ask everyone and that’s pretty much all they are going to ask you. They may never see your resume if you don’t bring it in.

And before printing your resume, review it. Does it need to be updated? Are there any typos? Is all your contact information current? All of those little things are very important.
And bonus points if you bring it in a plastic cover they can keep or print it on nice paper. It will make you stand out in a good way.


3. Practice what you are going to say
This is possibly the most important one, practice what you are going to say. You don’t want to be caught off guard and have to sit there and think about the question for too long. Or even worse, give a bad example that doesn’t make you look good or has nothing to do with the situation.

Practice common interview questions and questions that are specific to your job. You’ll probably be asked a mixture of both types. And make sure you have a few questions prepared for when the interviewer asks you “Do you have any questions?” Make sure to ask a question or two, it shows that you’re interested in the position.

Also practice being friendly and professional to the person interviewing you. Make sure to smile, shake their hand, and maybe even give them a compliment. This is your chance to shine!


4. Prepare your outfit
Something that can cost you a lot of unnecessary time when getting ready is picking out an outfit. If you pick it out the day before then you won’t have to worry. Also everything will be there for you instead of searching through your closet for your favorite shoes.

Make sure to dress to impress. It’s better to be dressed too professional than too casual. If you go in a suit that is much better than going in ripped jeans and t shirt. Also dress to match what other employees wear. If they are all dressed in suits, then you definitely should wear a suit as that is what you would be wearing each day if you get the job. If it’s a more casual place and they wear jeans then you can wear slacks or khakis with a nice shirt. Stick with business colors like blue, black, white and grey. If you are feeling bold do a pop of color like red, green or purple.

5. Give yourself plenty of time
One of the worst things you can do is be late for your interview. That can cost you the job and you might not even get a chance to interview. Many interviewers are busy and don’t have much time so if you are scheduled to be there at 2, make sure to be there at 1:50.

Make sure to give yourself extra time to find the location of the interview. If you can, go beforehand and find the location, but if you can’t, make sure to give yourself plenty of time just in case you get lost. Also give yourself a few extra minutes for traffic or other potential issues.

And if for some reason you are going to be late, make sure to call and let them know.


6. Eat a healthy breakfast
Start the morning off right and eat a good meal. If you don’t normally eat breakfast, well, you should probably start. Eat something light and healthy that will give you energy. Stay away from fatty and sugary foods like donuts, cinnamon rolls and bacon. Instead try eating foods like fruit, yogurt or eggs.

Eating a healthy breakfast will give your mind and body energy and stop your stomach from growling in the middle of the interview.


7. Make yourself feel confident
What makes you you feel the most confident? Do you have an outfit that makes you feel great? Or maybe when you wear your hair a certain way you look really good. Does saying affirmations in the morning help jump start your day?

Whatever it is that makes you feel confident, you should do it. Heck, you should actually do multiple things. This interview is about you and you should be as confident as possible! Impress them and sell yourself. Think of how awesome it would feel to have the job and to get hired right on the spot.

Also be confident that you can do the job. The interviewer wants to hire someone who is confident that they are capable of doing the job because they want to feel confident that they hired the right person.

Take a deep breath and show them what you’ve got!

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