4 Steps to Achieve Your Big Goals

4 Steps to Achieve Your Big Goals

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Whether you want to write a book, get married, own a business, buy a home or become a celebrity; anything is possible. No matter what you want out of life, you can achieve it.

Here are a few easy tips to help you achieve your big goals.

1. Break down your goal into easy to achieve steps
Everyone has big goals that may seem out of reach, but if you break them down into smaller pieces they don’t seem as daunting. When you take your goal and break it down into easy to achieve steps, it seems way more possible than if you just say “I want to write a book”. Here’s an example of how to break down your big goal into easy steps.

Step 1 – Write everyday for at least 1 hour.

Step 2 – Take a class about publishing.

Step 3 – Join a weekly writing group.

Step 4 – Edit and Review.

Step 5 – Edit and review some more.

Step 6 – Finish book and get it published!

Things seem much more manageable when you break them down into easy steps. Do you agree?

2. Believe in yourself
If you believe in yourself anything is possible. If you don’t believe in yourself then things can seem impossible. You are your biggest supporter and your biggest critic.

Think about it, if you believe in yourself then how much more likely are you to achieve your goal? You might really want a certain job, but if you go to a job interview and feel that you’re not qualified for the job, then that’s going to come across in your body language. Instead of being confident in yourself, you’re going to show that you doubt yourself and your skills…. why would an employer want to hire you?

What are you going to say when they ask you, “What do you have to bring to the team?”

If your answer is, “I’m not sure, but I do really want this job.” then they aren’t going to be sure if they want to hire you.

If you say something like, “I know I can do this job and I’m willing to learn any skills that I’ll need for success.” your chances are much higher.

Employers want someone who is confident in their skills and confident that they can get the job done. A little bit of confidence and belief in yourself goes a long way.

Also check out this article, 7 Ways to Prepare for a Job Interview for more tips.

3. Seek help when needed
There is nothing shameful about needing help. Everyone needs help sometimes. If you’re struggling with a step on your way to your goal, it’s perfectly okay to ask for help from someone.

Many people find it helpful to talk to someone who’s been in a similar situation. Some like to read or watch a movie about someone who has done it before. Others prefer to talk to family or close friends who know them well. Or maybe you just want to do a google search, find an online community or a few articles to read. No matter what your approach is, make sure to seek help when you need it. A little bit of help can go a long way and once you reach your goal you can share the benefits with the people who helped you!

4. Don’t give up
It’s going to be hard sometimes. It’s going to get tough and you will have set backs, but the key is to never give up. You’re going to have days when you just don’t feel like you can do it. You’re going to have days when you don’t think it’s worth it. You’re also going to have days when you picture how awesome your life will be once you reach the goal you’ve been thinking about for years.

I was born in California and loved it there. When I was a kid my parents moved me to the middle of the desert. I never really felt like I belonged and always dreamed of moving back to California.

When I graduated high school I planned on going to college in California but it just didn’t work out. I didn’t give up on my goal though, my plan changed to finding a job that would allow me to transfer to California. My steps were:

Step 1 – Get a job that makes enough money to support myself and transfer.

Step 2 – Drive through California and find what cities I like best.

Step 3 – Look for apartments online and research areas.

Step 4- Visit the apartments.

Step 5 – Make sure everything is good with my job transfer and save money.

Step 6 – Tie up loose ends.

Step 7 – Become a California resident!

It took me years to achieve this goal but I finally did and I can’t tell you how happy and proud of myself I am for never giving up and achieving my goal.

Use these four tips to achieve your goals. Remember, anything is possible and you can be or do anything you want to! No matter how old or young you are, no matter how much money you have, no matter what challenges you are facing, you can achieve your goal. It might take some time, it might take weeks, it might take decades. Usually the bigger the goal the longer it takes, but also the bigger the reward.

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