The Right Path

The choices you make shape your life

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I often wonder if I’m on the right path. Did I make the right choices? If I had made a few different decisions, how different would my life be?


I love my life, but at the same time, it’s not nearly what I expected it would be at this point. Maybe it’s better this way or maybe it’s not. There are things I thought I would have by now that I don’t and things that didn’t matter much to me before, have now become important.


What I hate the most is that no matter how much I wonder, no matter how much I wish and hope, I’ll never know how things could have been. I am here, in this place with the opportunities that this life presents. I make choices each day on what I do, say, wear, eat; it all molds my life. The choices I made in the past have shaped my life up to this point.


However, if I wanted to I could change my life at any moment. I could make a decision today that would set my life on a whole new path.


I have made some big decisions in the past that set my life in a new direction. Some call them, defining moments. Like a decision to move to a new city or deciding on what career to pursue, it will set your life on a certain path. The decision has different positives and negatives foe each person so the choice is unique for everyone.


Is there a right answer for each person? Maybe, maybe not. Sometimes I think that no matter what path I choose, that I’d still end up basically in the same place. Other times I imagine how my life could have been dramatically different if I had made another choice.


So I guess I should be content with the answer of, there is no way to know if I made the “right” choice… but I can’t help but wonder….


The good news is I still have the power to make choices so if I really want to know how my life could be if I made a different choice, well, I can make that choice now and set my life in a whole new direction.


Maybe it will be better or maybe not; only one way to find out.

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