Gratitude Challenge

Share Love, Give Thanks, Be Happy

Share the Love!

It’s been said many times that expressing gratitude is beneficial to your health and well being. Taking a few moments out of your day to look around and see how much you really do have to be thankful for can make you feel so much better mentally and physically.

I’ve also read time and time again that if you want more of something in your life you need to be grateful for what you have now. Being grateful makes you feel good and if you are feeling good, more good things are likely to happen. At the very least you are more likely to notice them.

How many times have you had a friend or family member who never said thank you for anything you did for them? How does that make you feel? 

How good does it feel when you go out of your way to help someone and they come back later on and bring you a gift or a card of appreciation? It feels good and you probably wouldn’t mind helping them out again, right?

The goal of this challenge is to bring more of whatever it is you want into your life. Whether it be love, money, friends, or all of the above, being grateful for what you have will make you feel better about how much you actually do have. Do it as many times as you like! 


What is something you want more of in your life?
Name three things you are grateful for that are related to that thing.

For me, I want to bring more Love into my life.

  • I’m grateful for the love and loyalty of my dog.
  • I’m grateful that I love my new apartment. 
  • I’m grateful for being able to come here and interact with all of you because it adds love and joy to my life! 


These three things have all added love to my life. It’s amazing how much we already have of what we want.


What do you want more of in your life? What three things are you grateful for that relate to it? 

Posts your answers in the comments! 

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