15 Perks of Being Single

15 Perks of Being Single

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Being single has lots of perks! Enjoy your single life by focusing on these perks of being single.

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1. You can leave the party when you feel like it
You don’t have to hang around people you don’t want to longer than you want to. Make an appearance and then move on to what you’d rather do.

2. The whole bed is yours
Stretching your arms and legs out across the whole bed just feels so good.

3. Eat whatever you want
When you get dinner out as a couple if you want tacos and he wants pizza someone usually has to compromise. When you’re single if you want tacos, you get tacos.

4. Don’t have to check in
If you want to go to the store after work or stay out past midnight with your friends you don’t have to tell anyone, you just do it.

5. You don’t have to shave as often
Sure you still have to shave sometimes like if you are going to the beach or have a job interview, but you don’t have to all the time. Why not give yourself a break once in a while?

6. You can do the dishes when you feel like it
If you have dishes in the sink or laundry on the floor the only person who cares is you. You can clean it when you feel like it, as long as you can deal with the mess and smell.

7. Nobody makes a mess
If you keep a clean house then you’ll have no one to mess it up by leaving their dishes on the table or leaving socks in the living room.

8. The whole bottle of wine is yours
I’m not saying to drink the whole thing at once, but it is your bottle and you don’t have to share. You can even splurge a bit with The California Wine Club – Award-Winning Wines Delivered. Order Now!

9. Dating different types of people
Dating different types of people can be tons of fun. You’ll go places you never thought you would, learn new things and hopefully meet some really great people in the process.

10. You can watch whatever movie you want
No matter how weird or girly or gore filled it is you can watch it, in the living room, with popcorn.

11. You go places you want by yourself
And if you aren’t doing this you need to start! If there is somewhere you want to go then go. Don’t be afraid to see a movie by yourself or drive a few hours to that city you’ve been meaning to check out.

If you want to meet some cool people while doing a fun activity, download the app Meetup and join a few groups!

12. Save money
There are so many hidden fees in relationships like food, gifts, dates and even Netflix.

13. Flirt with whoever you want
You can flirt with the waiter/waitress, bartender, your doctor, whoever you find attractive. Hopefully they’ll even flirt back.

14. No drama
Even the best relationships have some issues. A single person doesn’t have to deal with any of that drama. 

15. More time for yourself
Having time to yourself is a beautiful thing and it allows you to get to know yourself better and do whatever it is you want to.

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