Have you been wondering if your relationship is right for you? Maybe at first things were great but then a few months or years inRead More
Have you been wondering if your relationship is right for you? Maybe at first things were great but then a few months or years inRead More
Buying gifts for anyone can be tricky, but men can be especially difficult. Many men consider themselves to be simple or easy to shop forRead More
One of the most frustrating places to be when dating is the in between stage. You know, that stage where you aren’t an official coupleRead More
Valentines Day is coming! Did you remember? Yes, of course you did! 😉 Just in case you need a last minute gift or two, hereRead More
Face it, we humans are creatures of habit. Many of us find a routine that works for us and we tend to stick with it.Read More
Getting started on your journey to better health and fitness can be difficult, especially when you don’t even know where to start. There are soRead More
You swipe right and a match notification comes up. You start talking and actually have a decent conversation. You start to wonder, could this personRead More
Shopping for your wife or girlfriend can be hard. She might not tell you what you wants but deep down she kinda hopes or sometimesRead More
Dating is hard enough, but when you live in a different city, state or even country, than the person you are dating, that adds aRead More
It can sometimes be difficult to tell if someone is attracted to you because each person behaves so differently. One person might be very boldRead More