7 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Depressed

7 Things to Do When You're Feeling Depressed

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Depression can come and go. Sometimes it last a lot longer than we’d like. Yes, there are medical reasons why you might feel depressed so make sure to talk to your doctor. However, sometimes depression is like a heavy cloud over us that will eventually pass.

Here are some things to do when you feel depressed.

Check out this Quiz: Why are You Really Feeling Sad? or this Article: Instant Mood Boosters!

  1. Don’t beat yourself up
    Feeling depressed from time to time is normal. We all get emotional and have times when our emotions are running high. It could be from a circumstance; sometimes things happen that cause us to feel certain ways. It could be because of the weather; when it’s rainy and gloomy out sometimes the lack of sun and warmth can cause us to feel down. Other times it’s our hormones; for the girls it could be that time of the month or it could even be a vitamin that we are lacking.

    There are tons of reasons why you might feel the way you feel but remember not to beat yourself up about it. It’s okay to feel this way, everyone does from time to time. No one is constantly happy, even if they claim to be.

  2. Allow yourself to feel it
    Sometimes emotions are things we just need to allow to pass. There isn’t always much we can do other than acknowledge that we feel how we feel and then allow it to move on. Sometimes it can be helpful to sit and think about why you feel the way you are feeling. Many times there is a deeper issue at hand that is causing you to feel down. If you can figure out what that issue is, then many times you can work towards healing.

  3. Talk to someone
    Holding all your feelings inside isn’t going to do you any good. If you bottle them up for too long eventually one day you burst. Let it out with a trusted friend or counselor. Tell them how you are feeling and be open and honest. If you are sad because you feel lonely, say it. If you’re depressed because of some deep hurts in your life, say it. If you don’t know why you feel this way, say it. Just saying it, getting out of your own head and hearing an outside voice can be very helpful and allow you to see things in a way you wouldn’t normally see them.

  4. Get out of the house
    If you tend to stay home a lot or just go to work/school and then go home, it’s probably time to change things up a bit. Make a point to get out of the house. When we are home too often it can put a damper in our mood, making us feel stuck or confined. Sometimes a simple change of scenery can do us wonders.

    Even just going to the grocery store, a friends house, church or even for a walk can make a huge difference in your mood. Run some errands, go treat yourself to lunch out at a nice café, do your work in a coffee shop, read a book on your patio; just do something to give your mind a new place to take it all in.

  5. Spend time in nature
    While you’re out of the house try to make a point to spend some time outside in God’s creation. Nature is filled with beauty. Just take a moment to look at the mountains, the trees, ocean, lake, animals, whatever you have the pleasure of being near.

    Nature has a way of reminding us of how much beauty is in the world. It has a way of filling us with peace. Listening to the ocean or feeling the wind on your skin is something you can’t get sitting inside four walls all day.
    Go for a hike, talk a walk, read a book on the beach, go fishing, go camping or just sit outside with your morning coffee. Nature has a way of lifting our mood. Not to mention the sun has vitamin D which also makes us happier.

  6. Spend time with friends and family
    It’s amazing how much a good laugh can lift your spirts. They say laugher is the best medicine and it’s so true. You can be feeling down all week but if you spend time with people you enjoy being around who make you smile and laugh it can make everything feel 10x better.

    It’s important to spend time with people who breathe life into you. Yes, you should give back to them and give to others who don’t always breathe life into you (you might be the only one breathing life into them) but make sure there are people in your life who encourage, inspire and love you. If you feel you don’t have people like that in your life or you aren’t sure, take this Quiz Are the People You Spend Your Time With Good for You? or check out this article 7 Ways to Make Friends as an Adult.

  7. Talk to God
    When all else fails God is always there for you. Sometimes we try to talk to people about our problems and they let us down. It hurts but we have to remember that they are just human like you and me. They are going through their own stuff and have their own issues and can’t always give you everything you need. But God can.

    Have you ever noticed that whenever we are at our lowest points, even people who say they don’t believe in God tend to cry out to Him? If a loved one is in the hospital how many times have you seen someone who says they don’t believe pray to God?

    Give God a chance and reach out to Him. Praying is simple, just talk to him and listen to what he has to say. It may take practice but rest assured that He hears you and he loves you, no matter what you’ve done.

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