7 Ways to Tell if Your Crush Likes You Back

7 Ways To Tell if Your Crush Likes You

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Everyone has a crush at some point in their life. Crushes can range from being fun and exciting to driving us crazy! If you’re lucky, your crush will be very clear in letting you know that they like you or they don’t (blessing in disguise). What tends to drive us crazy is when they send mixed signals. They give you a bunch of attention and make you feel like they like you one day and then the next they basically ignore you! It makes no sense and keeps you wondering how they feel about you.

There are many reasons why your crush might not just come right out and tell you that they like you. They might not be sure, they might be dating someone else, they might not be ready for a relationship or maybe they like you as a friend and don’t want to hurt your feelings.

There are some ways to tell if your crush does like you as more than a friend, however the best way to know for sure is if they tell you. You can hint at them all day and sometimes that does work. Other times a more direct approach works well. It depends on the person and how much they like you.

Before you go asking a if he or she likes you or telling them how you feel about them, make sure you are seeing some green lights so that you can hopefully avoid an awkward situation. There are many different signs that your crush likes you back. Here are 7 ways to tell if your crush likes you back.

Have a crush on a friend? Take the quiz Do They Like You as a Friend or More?

Still not sure? Take this quiz Do They Like You?

1. They talk to you first
Someone who is being friendly and nice will talk back to you if you start a conversation with them. A person who likes you will make a point to seek you out and start a conversation with you first. They will either do it in real life by approaching you and starting a conversation when they see you or if they have your number they will text or call you. They might even send you messages online. It’s easy to get in touch with people in today’s world and if your crush likes you back then they will make sure they find a way to talk to you.

2. They will do nice things for you
Someone who has a crush on you will go above and beyond the level of niceness that they would do for a typical friend. For example, if you need help with something, someone who has a crush on you will want to help you if they can. Sure, a good friend will also do the same, but a crush will give a little more effort. They might put off other plans so that they can make sure your needs are met. A crush might also go out of their way to do things or bring you things that you like. If you say you like chocolate, you might notice that they bring chocolate when you hang out with them.

3. They will like most of your social media post
This can be tricky because you could just be posting really good stuff lol. Many times if we like someone we will like or love most of their post. If they are trying to keep it a secret and don’t really want you to know then they won’t like all of your post, just most of them. Especially new pictures that you post of yourself.

4. They spend a lot of time with you
Quality time is one of the five love languages and it’s a good way to tell if your crush likes you back. If you say you are going to an event and they decide to go to, that’s a good sign. If they invite you to places they are going, that’s another good sign. Even better if they invite you to hang out with them one on one, unless it’s for a school or work project, there’s a good chance they want to get to know you better.

Another thing they might do is be close to you in social settings. If you go out with a group of friends and every time you turn around they are there, they might like you. If you are standing next to them and they are standing in your personal space, they also might like you. If you say that you are about to leave and they keep asking you questions or talking to you, they might not want you to leave just yet and it might be because they like you.

5. They touch you more than others
This can be another tricky one if the person you like is a touchy feely person. Some people hug everyone and then to give little touches to most people. However, if you notice that your crush hugs you every time they see you, “accidentally” touches you when they are near, playfully taps or punches you, touches your shoulders, puts an arm around you, guides you by placing a hand on your back or touches you when they laugh, they might like you as more than a friend. Be careful, because some friends are just touchy people. Touch is another love language and you can show your friends that you love them through touch.

Also take note of inappropriate touches. If you are still in the crush stage they shouldn’t be touching you in places that would make you uncomfortable. This person might have a crush on you, but it might be for the wrong reasons.

6. They take advantage of opportunities you give them
If you are crushing on someone you will make some kind of effort to get to know them better, right?

If you walk up to your crush and say hi, they won’t just say hi and walk away. Maybe if they are super shy and socially awkward, but if they like you they will at least try to ask how you’re day is going even if they suck at conversation. They might ask you about something you mentioned last time you saw them. Or if you ask them a question they will gladly answer it with more than a one word response.

If you invite them somewhere and they can go, they will make sure to go. If they say they will be somewhere they will be there because they don’t want to let you down. If you post something funny they will like or comment. If you ask them for help they will do their best. They want you to like them so they will take advantage of the opportunities given to them.

7. They tell you
At first number seven was going to be “you just know”. Because, sometimes you do just know. You can tell by the way they look at you, the way they touch you and the way they talk to you. But, just because they like you doesn’t mean that they will ever act on it. They might think you are attractive and enjoy being around you, but that doesn’t mean they want to date you.

Really the only way to be completely sure if someone likes you is if they tell you. You can flirt all day and look for all the signs you want, but if they really like you they will tell you. If you really want to know and think they are shy or don’t want to ruin your friendship, decide if it’s worth it and ask them if they like you or tell them that you like them. Some people won’t make the first move so it might be up to you.

Or maybe it’s not the right time. Maybe it’s best to just be friends and see what happens. Maybe it’s best to get to know them better and see if they are even worth your time. Sometimes it’s best to be friends and let things happen naturally instead of trying to make something happen.

Each situation and person is different and you are the one who knows best what you should do. Maybe it’s best to get your answer. Then you can either go out on a date or move on with your life. Or maybe it’s best to just keep things as they are. You could be building a solid foundation through your friendship that will turn into a strong relationship.

Ask yourself if you can handle not knowing and for how much longer. Also, keep your options open. It’s okay to have a crush but if another great person comes along and wants to date you, be open to it. Things with your crush aren’t a sure thing so it’s best not to put all your eggs in one basket, especially if you don’t know if that basket will actually hold anything.

5 Replies to “7 Ways to Tell if Your Crush Likes You Back

    1. RIGHT THATS WHAT IM TRYNA FIGURE OUTT (im in middle school crushing on one of my friends so thats uhm fun- )

  1. I’m in grade 5, he confessed to me last Wednesday, but he did not do anything on this list.
    well, some people don’t do stuff everyone does.

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