7 Reasons Why Your Boring Job is Actually a Good Thing for You

7 Reasons Why Your Boring Job is Good For you

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No one really wants to go to work everyday, especially if you feel your job is boring. But, chances are that your boring job is actually good for you! Here are 7 reason why.

1. It gives you somewhere to go on a regular basis
Sure it seems like it would be nice to sit around in our pajamas all day doing nothing, and yeah for a while it probably would be, but soon it would become boring. You’d look like crap all the time and soon you’d feel like crap. When the delivery man comes to the door you might end up avoiding him since you haven’t showered in 4 days.

Having to get dressed and go somewhere actually makes you more productive and happy in the long run. You have to follow a schedule and do certain things even if you don’t want to which makes you more disciplined and more likely to accomplish projects. When you accomplish things you feel good about yourself and happier.

If you work from home, changing out of your pajamas and setting a regular time to work in your office or to going to a library or coffee shop can give you somewhere to go on a regular basis.

2. You have a regular pay check.
Being an artist or a writer sounds great, especially when they get a big check all at once for a great work they did. The problem is, sometimes that is the biggest check they get or maybe even the only one.

You have to constantly keep creating if you are an artist or a writer and your work has to constantly be good and make money. And if it’s not in demand then you might not get paid. At regular job though, you will get paid no matter if you skill is currently in demand that month or not. You might have to do something that’s not in your job description, but at least you have guaranteed money coming in.

3. You’re less likely to overeat
When you have a big day ahead of you, usually you eat just enough to fill you up and then go on with your day without even thinking about how tasty the food was and how you want more. You don’t have time for more!

During your lunch break you may be more likely to make healthier choices because you know you have to go back to work and eating that whole burrito will make you feel super full, tired and you might have to spend some extra time in the bathroom. Now that sandwich will probably fill you up without making you feel gross.

4. You will meet some cool people
When you’re bored at work and so are your coworkers, you tend to talk and get to know each other. Before you know if you might realize you have a lot in common and actually make a friend. Even if you don’t hang out outside of work it’s nice having someone to talk to while your at work, it helps the day to go by.

5. You might get promoted soon
If your job seems boring now, it might be because it’s too easy for you. If it’s too easy hopefully you are still doing it well and efficiently. Your boss might take notice of how well you are doing and maybe a promotion or a raise might be in store? Or you can always ask if you notice that a job you might want opens up.

If you are already excelling in your boring job you have a lot more pull to try something new and exciting.

6. You learn skills you wouldn’t learn elsewhere
Many people dream of working from home, but how much experience and new skills are you really going to learn all alone in your house all day? Sure, you might become a computer expert or an amazing writer, but how do you really know how good you are unless you share you skills and experience with others? Yes, you can do it online, but the real life experience can be so much better.

Some other skills you might learn at work that you may not learn most other places are: public speaking, professional writing, respect, patience, communication, collaboration, problem solving and putting up with people’s bullshit.

7. It gives you something to do
We’ve all seen the person who doesn’t work and just sits around someone else’s house all day. Maybe you’ve been that person? It’s so easy to become lazy and get stuck in a rut of doing nothing. Sure, you’ll end up finding something to do like playing video games, cleaning, reading or cooking, but at the end of the day, do you really feel happy and satisfied?

Going to work gives you something to do. It might not be what you want to do, but it’s something to take you away from your life and give you something to do for 8 hours. Plus you get to make money and maybe something else good will happen too.

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