12 Reasons Why You Should Travel Alone

12 Reasons Why You Should Travel Alone

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1. You can stop anywhere you want and stay as long as you want.

2. You can listen to any music you want as loud as you want and sing even louder.

3. You can call and talk to a friend for hours if you want.

4. Pick any audio book you like and listen to the whole thing.


5. It’s also nice to be on the road and just have silence. You can connect with God or yourself. 

6. You can eat anything you want and not feel guilty about it or have to compromise.

7. You feel more confident in yourself because you have to figure out everything on your own.

8. When you get lost, and you will get lost on occasion, you learn a lot about yourself and how you handle situations.

9. Friends are more willing to let you stay with them since it’s just you, so you save a lot on hotels.

10. You can stop as often as you want without listening to someone complain.

11. You can stop as little as you want without listening to someone complain.

12. You will feel so free with the open road full of possibilities ahead of you.

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