Instant Mood Boosters!

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude about it." - Maya Angelou

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Having a bad day or feeling a little down? Try one of these 7 Instant Mood Boosters to make yourself feel a little bit better in no time!

1. Positive Quotes
Reading a few quotes can give you a fresh perspective on life or simply make you smile.

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou

“For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time” – Marthe Troly-Curtin

2. Upbeat Music
You can’t help but smile and want to dance while listening to “Happy” by Pharrell or “I’m a Believer” by Smash Mouth. Get up and dance and sing your favorite upbeat song!

3. Genuine Laugh
Laughter truly is the best medicine! Do whatever you need to make yourself laugh. Watch a funny YouTube video, call a hilarious friend, look at funny memes, as along as it’s a genuine laugh your good.

4. Fun Physical Activity
Get up and move, but make sure it’s fun! Do you enjoy yoga? Hiking? Basketball? Great, do one of those.

If you hate jogging, don’t go out for a jog just because it’s good for you, find something you enjoy and look forward to and you will feel so much better before, during and after. It won’t even feel like you’re exercising!

5. Go Outside
Step outside and take a breath of fresh air and soak up some of the warm sun. It’s hard not to feel a little better after a moment enjoying the wonders of nature.

Take a walk, go to a park, or head to the beach. Find a way to spend some time outside enjoying all that the world has to offer.

6. Play with Your Pet
Pets are great to have around and have a lot of love to give. If you have a pet, especially a dog or a cat, spend some time playing with them.

Seeing a dog’s tail wag and knowing they are happy and having a good time makes you instantly feel better. When your cat gets excited and starts doing silly things, it makes you laugh and instantly feel better.

7. Change Your Thinking
Self-fulfilling prophecies happen all the time and there is definitely power in our thoughts. If you are thinking about how bad everything is and how much your life sucks, you;re not going to feel very good. Stop for a moment, and flip it. Think about how good everything is and how awesome your life really is.

Example: Jon got just a new job. His first day was very busy. He made a lot of mistakes and kept asking his coworkers a lot of questions.

Negative Mindset: Wow, I suck at my job. I can’t do anything right. And I bet everyone hates me for bothering them so much. I think I might quit. Tomorrow is going to suck.

Positive Mindset: Wow, today I learned so much! I made some mistakes, but I won’t do that tomorrow. I met so many nice coworkers who helped me out a lot, I should thank them!

See what a big difference your mindset can make in a situation? And you can control your thoughts! If you’re having trouble, try another mood booster and then try again.

Which one was your favorite? What other mood boosters do you use? Reply below in the comments! 

6 Replies to “Instant Mood Boosters!

  1. Best thing for me is music and cleaning!! Kind of reset for my mind!!! And love to have everything in order around me.;) also to walk by the sea and sit on a bench .

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