5 Ways To Stop Looking for Happiness and Find It

Decide to be happy

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We’ve all heard about the pursuit of happiness, but is that actually causing us to be unhappy? Have you ever wanted something so bad only to get it and realize that it actually wasn’t as great as you expected?

If we’re always looking for the next best thing or waiting to get something that we think will make us happy, we’ll spend most of our lives waiting and looking instead of actually enjoying ourselves.

It’s simple really, don’t look for happiness. Find it. Here’s 5 ways how.


1. Be grateful
There is so much to be grateful for in our lives. From the food we eat to the roofs over our heads, there is just so much to be happy and grateful about. Right now, in the place that you are reading this, I’m sure you can find at least five things to be grateful for. Try it.

Even if what you have isn’t what exactly you want, still be grateful for what you do have right now. Most people really do have so much more than they realize.


2. Spend time with people you love
There can be so much joy and happiness when you are around people you love. You can joke around, laugh, be yourself and you know they are there for you. Sure, they piss you off sometimes, but the feeling of love, connection and comfort adds happiness to our lives. The more time you spend with people who make you happy, the less you spend looking for happiness.


3. Do a random act of kindness
Give out a little bit of happiness. Buy a homeless person some food, offer to babysit for your sister for free, bring your coworker coffee, or go the extra mile to help out a customer.

Random acts of kindness are great ways to give a little bit of happiness and add some joy to someone’s life. Plus, it almost always makes you smile and feel good too.


4. Enjoy life where you are
We all have dreams and goals, but we also have to remember that we have a lot of good stuff happening where we are right now. Always looking for that next promotion, next vacation, next relationship, will actually take away from enjoying life right where you are.

Sure you might be single, broke and bored, but there’s a lot of good in that. Head to the library and check out a bunch of books and movies for free. Learn how to use coupons to get more for your money. Spend time with your single friends flirting with the cuties at the bar.

There is so much happiness and knowledge life has for you right where you are. Most likely your current situation won’t last forever, so enjoy it and learn from it while you can.


5. Decide to be happy
The power of positive thinking has been proven to actually make a difference in people’s lives. Try it for yourself:

When you wake up in the morning, say, “Today is going to be a good day.” Now, you have to believe it’s going to be a good day and do things to make sure it’s a good day. If you say it’s going to be a good day and then go back to bed and end up late for work, well…. that’s kinda your own fault. If you decide it’s going to be a good day and make breakfast, have coffee, plus give yourself plenty of time to get ready, chances are you’ll get to work on time feeling good and you’ll probably have a good day.

If you get to work late and your boss yells at you, you were rushing so you forgot your lunch on the counter and you didn’t have any coffee so your tired, it’s probably not going to be a good day.

Decide to have a happy life and do things to make sure that you do.


5 Replies to “5 Ways To Stop Looking for Happiness and Find It

  1. I have been happy in beautiful San Diego, but it was a long time ago. 🙂 🙂 Wonderful place to live. Still relatively happy where I am and thanks for your visit. Have a great weekend!

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