15 Things to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed

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Sometimes, there is just too much going on in life. From demanding jobs to family responsibilities, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Feeling this way can be dangerous because you’re likely to either shut down and not get anything done or keep going until you burn out. Instead of letting that happen, here are 15 things you can do when you’re feeling overwhelmed.


1. Breathe
It may sound simple but breathing is a technique used to calm children and adults. Just take a few deep breaths if you feel like you are starting to freak out or feel overwhelmed. Allow your body to feel the calm. Just focus on your breathing for a few moments, in with the good and out with the bad. Once you feel calmer, it will be easier to do what you need to do, or at least do some of the things on this list.


2. Take a break
When things are getting to be too much, give yourself a break. Take a few minutes to step outside or away from whatever it is that is getting to you. Do some kind of rejuvenating activity like scream really loud, call a friend, cry it out, or just close your eyes and sit in quietness for a few minutes. Whatever it is you need, do it so you can get back to what needs to be done.


3. Take the day off
Sometimes you just need to call into work and take a personal day. It’s okay once in a while. No boss wants to hear that their employee isn’t coming in to work, but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. If you can get someone to cover your shift instead of calling out, do that instead; your boss and coworkers will appreciate it.

If it’s your home life that’s the issue, get a sitter for the kids, take the dog to the groomer and give yourself as much time as you can without worry. Even better, if you can, just take off for the day. Take a day trip to a nearby city and treat yourself to a delicious lunch.


4. Write a to do list
It can feel like you have a ton of stuff to do when in reality, you might not have as much to do as you think. Make a list of all the things you need to do. Sometimes you might have a lot less to get done than you realized.


5. Make a budget
Money is a huge source of stress for many people and it can feel overwhelming. Make a budget to figure out If your spending is more than your income or if you are breaking even. If so then it’s probably a good time to think about cutting expenses, making more money, or both. If you have your finances under control that’s one less thing you have to worry about.


6. Organize your home and car
Doesn’t it frustrate you when your looking for your car keys and you can’t find them anywhere? Or when you are looking for your favorite pair of shoes but you can’t remember where you left them? Get organized. Make designated places for your shoes, keys, mail and other important things. Make a point to throw dirty clothes in the hamper instead of on the floor. Taking just a few minutes each day to straighten up your home can make a big difference in how you feel.


7. Spend some time alone
Find a quiet spot, ideally somewhere in nature and just be with yourself. Take in the natural beauty of the world, breathe in the fresh air, and just appreciate all the goodness there is in the world. Clearing your mind and being alone can make you feel refreshed.


8. Ask for help
It’s okay to ask for help when you need it. Or even if you don’t think you need it, still ask anyway once in a while. There are many people out there who are willing to help you but they might not know that you need some help. You have to ask for what you need. Sometimes a little bit of help can make a big difference.


9. Pray
Sometimes you just need the support of a higher power. Whatever that power may be for you, take some time to pray. Ask for help, blessings, guidance, whatever you need. Many people like to talk out loud while others like to keep it silent. Do whatever works for you.


10. Yoga
The goal of a yoga class is for you to leave feeling better and more connected to yourself. Take a class or do a you tube video that leaves room for meditation at the end. Take notice of how you feel before yoga and how you feel after yoga. Ideally you’ll feel more balanced, confident, strong, refreshed and/or inspired. Even if you only feel one of those emotions that’s better than none.


11. Talk to a counselor or therapist
There’s no shame in talking to someone about your issues. In fact, it’s actually pretty common for people to talk to therapist on a regular basis. If you can, make an appointment to talk to one. If that’s not an option, many employee assistance programs or health insurances also allow you over the phone counselling for a set amount of sessions.


12. Disconnect
With so much information coming at us all the time, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. With the TV, text messages, Facebook updates, game invites, emails, phone calls, and constant notifications it can just be too much sometimes. It’s actually healthy to put the phone down, turn off the TV and do something different. Maybe read a book, color in a coloring book, paint, or just clean your room. Not having the constant ping of your phone for a few hours can allow your mind a much needed break from the information overload.


13. Have some fun
When was the last time you laughed so hard that you thought you were gonna pee on yourself? It’s probably been a while so go out and have some fun! Do something you love to do or try something new. And if you bring some good friends or family along with you, even better!


14. Make a change
If you are constantly feeling overwhelmed maybe it’s time you make a change. Be it a career change, new home, cutting back on activities, adding new activities or maybe even change in spouse; sometimes a change is exactly what you need to help you stop feeling overwhelemed.


15. Find a solution
Ask yourself, why are you feeling overwhelmed? Get to the root issue and try to fix it. Some fixes are really simple and can eliminate a lot of stress. Other problems might not be so easy to solve, but you can usually find a solution that will at least make things better. Try to ideally solve or at least make the problem better. Even a slight improvement or striving for improvement is better than doing nothing.

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