7 Reasons Why You Should Be Nice to Your Siblings as Adults

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With the holidays upon us, many of us will have to gather with family, which means having to put up with siblings who we have nothing in common with other than parents. It might seem like the best idea is to just ignore them and let them do their own thing while you do yours, especially if there is a good chance you’ll end up fighting.


It’s great if you get along with your siblings, but many siblings don’t get along. Maybe you had a fight years back or someone did something horrible to the other. Sibling rivalry is common as well. There are lots of reasons why you don’t get along but there are also many reason why you should try to get along and be nice to one another.


The truth is you should be grateful for you sibling. Many people would love to have a sibling. Especially as you get older and lose touch with friends and relatives pass away, it’s really nice to have someone who’s been there with you. It’s even better if you get along and are nice to each other.


By no means should you to get taken advantage of or be put in an uncomfortable position. Not all sibling relationships are healthy and not all are worth saving. Give it a try but remember, it’s a two way street. As long as you’re the one making an effort then you know you tried. And sometimes you maybe can try just a little bit harder and it might make a big difference.


Here are 7 reasons why you should  be nice to your siblings and try to get along with them.


1. Your siblings have been there since the beginning
Depending on your ages, your siblings have been there with you since the beginning. They know things about you and you’re family that no one else does and maybe ever will.


2. You probably have more in common than you think
It might seem like you’re complete opposites, but I bet you like a lot of the same things. One might like chocolate while the other likes vanilla, but you’re probably getting the same brand of ice cream. Things that you grew up with will seem familiar and may bring comfort so you might notice you and your siblings do a lot of similar things and buy a lot of similar products.


3. You only have so many siblings
Some people have 10 siblings while some only have 1. No matter how many you have each one is special and unique and you only get the ones that you have. Chances are your parents are going to stop having kids at some point (hopefully anyway) and that’s all the siblings you get. Be grateful for the siblings you have.


4. You love each other
Yes you do, deep down. Everyone has love for their siblings no matter how much they fight and hate each other. They are still your blood. You’ve known them most of your life. You have memories with them. You might not always like them but you can still love them.


5. They will still be there when your friends aren’t
This isn’t always true but over the years friendships can tend to fade but you are kinda forced to see your family. When there’s a wedding or a funeral you see them. You kinda have to invite them to certain events. You might make a point to call them and check on them more so than you would a friend. Your friends may come and go but your family will always be your family.


6. When times get tough you need each other
Things will get hard. Your parents will pass away. Someone in the family will get sick. Things that suck will happen and you will need each other when they do.


7. You could be great friends
Now that you’re older you might actually get along better than as kids. As you get older you realize what’s really important and have probably chilled out a little bit so there won’t be as much fighting. Also adults can talk about their problems. Give your sibling a chance, you might end up with one of your best friends.

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